Crops Nutrients Deficiency Symptoms

Secondary Nutrients

Vital Agri Nutrients Pvt Ltd.

Calcium Deficiency Symptoms

Banana Crop

As an immobile nutrient in plants, Ca deficiency appears as browning and die back of growing tips of roots and leaves. Leaves curl and margins turn brown with newly emerging leaves sticking together at the margins, leaving expanded leaves shredded on their edges. Fruit yield and quality will be reduced with high incidence of blossom-end rot and internal fruit decay.



Banana crops exhibited “spike leaf” symptom caused by a temporary shortage of Ca. The lamina of new leaves is almost absent with thickened lateral veins near the mid-rib. Initial soil status (extractable Ca) was 194 ppm.

Banana crops exhibited “spike leaf” symptom caused by a temporary shortage of Ca. The lamina of new leaves is almost absent with thickened lateral veins near the mid-rib. Initial soil status (extractable Ca) was 194 ppm.

VAN'S Calcim Solution for Banana Crop


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