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Secondary Nutrients

Vital Agri Nutrients Pvt Ltd.

Green Sulfur


Sulfur Coated Urea perform in a variety of agricultural and horticultural situations as it provide a prolonged supply of nutrients to the plants

When S is finely ground and mixed with soil it is oxidized to SO4-2 by soil microorganisms. Oxidation is more rapid in warm, moist soils with high organic matter contents. Oxidation reactions of elemental S are also faster in alkaline soils than in acidic soils. Oxidation is a surface-based process which is accelerated when Sulfur particle size is reduced; therefore, particle size is one of the most important attributes affecting oxidation. In the field, sulfur deficiency and nitrogen deficiency are often confused. Symptoms of both deficiencies may appear as stunted plants, with general yellowing of leaves. With a Sulfur deficiency, yellowing symptoms often first appear in younger leaves, whereas with nitrogen deficiency, it apprears on the older leaves first. In less severe situations, visual symptoms may not be noticeable.


Chemical Analysis of Green Sulfur

Sulfur 70%
Potassium(K) 4.5%
Physical Properties
Appearance Powder
Color Yellow to Brown
Solubility Wettable
Moisture (%) < 5%
pH ( 5% solution @ 25 ˚C ) 6.5 - 7.5


For More Information about

Green Sulfur