Wheat Crop
Early Growth
Stage 3
Stage Wise Nutrient Plan of Wheat Crop
Stage | Early Growth
Crop | Wheat
Soil Amendment
Soil amendments play a crucial role in soil structure, enhancing water retention and aeration, which is vital for root development.
VAN Products
Green Sulfur
Apply this product by fertigation or broadcasting or placement.
Headling and Safty Measure
Stage | Early Growth
Crop | Wheat
Boron helps in facilitating critical roles in flower formation, pollen germination, and seed development.
VAN Products
V Boron
Apply this product by fertigation
Headling and Safty Measure
Mg supports the synthesis of essential molecules like chlorophyll and nucleic acids, vital for flower and fruit development.
Mg supports the synthesis of essential molecules like chlorophyll and nucleic acids, vital for flower and fruit development.
VAN Products
V-Mag Essential
Apply this product by fertigation
Headling and Safty Measure
Micronutrients are essential to ensure optimal flower and fruit formation, leading to higher yields and improved crop quality.
Micronutrients are essential to ensure optimal flower and fruit formation, leading to higher yields and improved crop quality.
VAN Products
VL Micromix
Apply this product by fertigation